目前分類:訊息分享 (595)
- Mar 27 Thu 2014 16:14
- Mar 26 Wed 2014 11:05
歡慶威爾斯美語補習班show girl正妹團開幕!送你免費門票
現在只要前往威爾斯美語補習班Show Girl 正妹團粉絲團http://goo.gl/w4N0Xj
就送你免費限量『台北國際春季旅展 貴賓邀請函』1張~
3/28~3/31 台北世貿一館
- Mar 25 Tue 2014 16:21
電影英文 The house bunny
You can't make everyone like you no matter how hard you try; so might as well just be yourself.
女郎我最兔 (The House Bunny), 2008
IMDb: http://goo.gl/Mhvth
- Mar 24 Mon 2014 11:39
威爾斯美語補習班分享海外出差 這四句英文別說錯
- Mar 21 Fri 2014 12:07
我喜歡到威爾斯美語補習班新店分校上課。這裡的課程規劃師給予我非常充足的學習協助, 我可以感受到他們的熱誠和對於我們學員的關心, 在這裡對於新店所有的工作人員給予鼓勵和無限的感激。 我是一個職業軍人, 威爾斯美語補習班其中一項特點就是時間彈性,剛剛好符合我的需求, 學習不再是一件施加人生壓力的事。我剛剛結束基礎的課程, 威爾斯美語專業老師的指導下, 以鼓勵和有趣的教學技巧, 讓我深深感受到學習第二語言的吸引力。在台灣學習英文還真的要到對地方!在台灣不管在哪都用中文和台語, 英文不外乎只有讀雜誌, 聽廣播或是根據很以前古早味的英文記憶來練習。給自己一個練習口說英文的機會環境還是學習英文最快的途徑。 像現在的我看到外籍人士, 我也有擁有侃侃而談的英文能力。 提升聽力和口說能力絕對是學習外語的優先選擇。 我推薦我的家人, 所有想提升自己英文能力的學生以及我所有的好朋友, 選擇威爾斯美語補習班就對了啦!
- Mar 20 Thu 2014 16:01
Taiwanese Students Protest against Cross-Strait Pact between China and Taiwan
Taiwanese Students Protest against Cross-Strait Pact between China and Taiwan
CNN PRODUCER NOTE JO1YNN of the National Taiwan University journalism school told me, 'We are here to report, we didn't know at first that things were gonna go this bad. I was witnessing the police attempted to break through one of the entrances to the chamber, and got repelled by the people inside. I've never seen such a scene before, this is the very first time the Taiwanese people occupied the Legislative Yuan.' At least 100 people haveoccupied the Parliament in Taipei according to local reports, in a dispute over a trade agreement with China.
- hhanks, CNN iReport producer
- Mar 19 Wed 2014 16:08
- Mar 18 Tue 2014 17:26
電影英文 The help 姊妹
Being mature doesn't mean you start to talk about all the big lessons in life, but when you start to understand and appreciate the little things around you.
姐妹 (The Help), 2011
IMDb: http://imdb.to/16M0zzc
- Mar 17 Mon 2014 15:52
- Mar 16 Sun 2014 15:46
( Kuma 英語小天地) 床
( Kuma 英語小天地)
又到假日了 同學們今天有什麼計畫啊??
還是難得休假 想要賴在床上一整天咧?
枕頭 pillow
枕頭套 pillowcase
- Mar 15 Sat 2014 15:04
Those who love you are like stars, you may not see them everyday, but you know they're always there.
美國鼠譚 (An American Tail), 1986
IMDb: http://imdb.to/1bDkJly
- Mar 14 Fri 2014 14:40
威爾斯美語補習班課程活潑生動有趣 不錯評價
- Mar 12 Wed 2014 20:42
在威爾斯美語補習班上課與外師溝通 讓自己不害怕英文
- Mar 11 Tue 2014 17:14
牛肉 beef 牛排 steak 碎牛肉 ground beef
豬肉 pork 豬排 pork chops 肋排 ribs
香腸 sausages 火腿 ham 培根 bacon
- Mar 10 Mon 2014 17:41