When early settlers made their way out into the American frontier, they used the trees in the nearby forests and any tools they had available to construct a home. The log cabins the settlers built were simple by today’s standards. Now, National Geographic Channel (NGC) takes traditional log cabin building to a new extreme with the new show, Cabin Fever.
Nate Heim and his team of craftsmen, log peelers, and grunts saw their way into the perfect log cabin home. The show follows Heim as he travels across the country meeting lients who want the log cabin of their dreams. When Heim returns to his log yard located in Kelliher, Minnesota, he and his team peel, cut, and assemble the logs into the exact order in which the house must be built. Once the outer shell is completed, the logs are taken apart and then shipped to the client’s location. The end result is fantastic.
早期的拓荒者來到美國邊境地區時,他們利用附近森林的樹木,還有身邊可用的任何工具來建造家園。就今日的標準來看,拓荒者所建造的木屋相當簡陋。現在,國家地理頻道要在新的節目 ── 《打造夢幻木屋》(暫譯)裡將傳統的木屋建築帶往一個極致的全新境界。
Nate Heim 和他由工匠、刨木工人還有粗工所組成的團隊,用他們的方法鋸造出完美的木屋住所。這個節目跟隨了 Heim 走遍全國去跟客戶見面 ── 這些客戶想要擁有他們夢寐以求的小木屋。Heim 回到他位於明尼蘇達州 Kelliher 市的貯木場時,他和他的團隊刨削、切割還有組裝這些原木,使這些原木能按照建造木屋應有的次序排列。一完成木屋的外殼之後,這些原木就被拆解開來,然後運送到客戶的所在地。房子蓋好之後的成果非常令人驚豔。
◎construct (vt.) 建造
→How the pyramids of Egypt were constructed remains a mystery.
◎standard (n.) 標準
→Despite his pay cut, James won’t reduce his standard of living.
◎traditional (a.) 傳統的
→Leo prefers the traditional music of his homeland to Western music.