Your dog or cat may be curious about the pumpkins sitting on your front porch. It’s already Halloween, and your pumpkin may be beautifully carved, but might also be collecting bacteria. While it’s best they don’t eat that pumpkin, canned natural pumpkin (unsweetened – not pie filling), pumpkin seeds, and cooked fresh pumpkin have many benefits for dogs and cats. There is good reason that pumpkin is often a top ingredient in higher quality kibble. It can help with the following pet ailments:
你的狗或貓可能對於你前廊的南瓜很好奇。你的南瓜可能雕刻精美,而且也可能會收集細菌。雖然這是最好的,他們最好不要吃下你們前的南瓜,天然罐頭南瓜(不加糖 - 不灌餅)
1) Digestive Health: Pumpkin is a fabulous source of fiber for our furry friends, as well as for us. Pureed pumpkin (with no added sugar or spice) can help dogs and cats with both constipation and diarrhea. Adding a tablespoon or two (in proportion to their size) to their regular meal is known to help keep them regular. I have labs, so anything is edible to them, and I’m sure they would eat it right out of the can if I allowed. Most cats are usually a little more finicky. It can also help dogs and cats with indigestion or upset stomachs.
1 )消化系統健康:對毛孩子和人類來說,南瓜是優良纖維的來源。南瓜泥(沒有添加糖或香料),定期加一湯匙或兩個(比例大小),可以幫助狗和貓還解便秘和腹瀉。
2) Urinary Health: According to Veterinarians Laci and Jed Schaible, co-founders ofVetLive.com, pumpkin seeds are high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants (good for overall healthy skin and fur), and the oils in pumpkins’ flesh and seeds are believed to support urinary health. They are also an excellent source of Vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium and iron, and may even reduce the likelihood your pet will develop cancer.
2 )泌尿系統:根據獸醫拉奇和傑德Schaible ,VetLive.com的聯合創辦人表示,南瓜子含有高必需脂肪酸和抗氧化劑(良好的整體健康的皮膚和皮毛) ,南瓜的果肉和種子油據信,可以維護
泌尿健康。他們還維生素A, β-胡蘿蔔素,鉀,鐵的良好來源,甚至可能會降低你的寵物患癌症可能性。
3) Weight Loss: I’ve written about the dangers and commonality of pet obesity. Dogs seem to naturally love pumpkin. If you are looking to take a few pounds off of your pooch or kitty, try reducing a portion of their food and replace it with the same portion of canned pumpkin. Their tummy will feel just as full, and they might even thank you for the additional flavor.
3 )減肥:我已經寫了關於危險和寵物肥胖的共通性的文章。狗似乎天生愛南瓜。如果您正在尋找幫狗貓減肥的方法,請減少他們的食物的部分,並用罐裝的南瓜的相同部分進行更換
Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/top-three-health-benefits-of-pumpkin-for-dogs.html#ixzz3LGoZxqJ2