還記得足球尤物裡漂亮的女主角嗎?? 他被診斷出躁鬱症 做出很多跌破大家眼鏡的事 願她早日康復
狂躁抑鬱症(英語:Bipolar Affective Disorder),又名雙極性情感疾患、雙極性障礙、躁鬱症,其主要特徵為患者不斷經歷躁(mania)與鬱(depression)兩種相反的極端情緒狀態,而這兩種情緒狀態經常反覆出現,其強度與持續時間均大於一般人平時的情緒起伏。正因為有躁有鬱,因此躁鬱症又被稱為雙極型障礙[1](bipolar disorder),相對於被稱為單極型障礙(unipolar disorder)的抑鬱症。
(CNN) -- Actress Amanda Bynes appeared to tweet Tuesday that she's been diagnosed as bipolar and is on medication, but it wasn't long before that admission became less clear.
Although the initial tweet about Bynes' presumed diagnosis was posted to her verified account early Tuesday, within hours, a separate tweet appeared to dispute it.
"I was at a friends apartment last night and one of my friends tweeted my phone ," the post said. "sorry guys !"
It's the latest in a series of confusing missives from Bynes, who made headlines in October when she turned to Twitter with shocking
allegations of abuse. Those posts, which accused her father of verbally, physically and sexually abusing her, have been removed. But the more recent tweets suggesting that Bynes, 28, has been diagnosed as bipolar were still visible on Tuesday.
"I was diagnosed bi - polar and manic depressive so I'm on medication and I'm seeing my psychologist and pyshchiatrist weekly so I'm fine :D," read one of Tuesday's initial tweets.
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, causes intense emotional periods called "mood episodes." These range from manic (extremely happy) to depressive (extremely sad).
The disorder often appears in the late teens or early 20s and can be controlled with medication.
Bipolar disorder and the creative mind
Last month, Bynes was admitted to a Pasadena, California, facility on an involuntary emergency psychiatric hold, not long after she appeared to disavow responsibility for the accusations of abuse.
"My dad never did any of those things," said a tweet on Bynes' account on October 10. "The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me."
Later, a conservatorship hearing was held in which case a judge ruled that her parents will have control over her cash.
Mental health help: Where to turn
"I need to get a restraining order against Sam Lufti," said another tweet posted to Bynes' account Tuesday morning, referring to celebrity manager Sam Lutfi.
Yet another said her parents have limited her cash flow to $50 a day.
"I got discharged for not being gravely disabled," the tweet read. "But i am conserved and my parents only give me $50 dollars a day and it's really annoying. ... I need to get an apartment and my parents won't give me access to any of my funds."
And so goes the latest chapter in Bynes' very public history of odd behavior and criminal charges.
The ups and downs of Amanda Bynes
Bynes was arrested on a DUI charge in Sherman Oaks, California, in September. Her arrest report noted a "disheveled appearance."
Bynes was charged with a hit-and-run in 2012, hospitalized for treatment last year after a psychological evaluation and put on probation after a DUI this year.
And she was arrested after allegedly tossing drug paraphernalia out of the window of her New York apartment in May 2013.
In September: Amanda Bynes arrested on DUI charge
The latest episodes of odd behavior come a year after her parents told CNN their daughter was "making great strides towards recovery" from mental illness.
She enrolled into the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles at the start of 2014, but she dropped out in the summer.
People magazine reported in 2012 that Bynes tried to emancipate herself while still a minor, though she never moved out entirely.
CNN's Todd Leopold contributed to this report.