文 / 王玟晴
Warren Buffett
CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
“If you've ever wondered how Warren Buffett got to be such a smart investor, all you have to do is watch him for a five-hour plane ride. He reads a lot. And he reads quickly. His morning started with The Wall Street Journal, followed by USA TODAY and Forbes.” -Becky Quick
股神Buffett的一天從華爾街日報,USA TODAY和富比士雜誌開始。
David Cush
CEO, Virgin America
“Wakes at 4:15 a.m., sends emails, calls business associates on East Coast, listens online to Dallas sports radio program and reads the papers while on the Life Cycle bike at the gym.” -The Associated Press
美國維珍航空CEO David Cush每天於美國西岸的早上4:15起床,收發email和打電話給東岸的同事,再到健身房騎腳踏車,一邊聽達拉斯運動電台;他的每日必讀有:紐約時報、華盛頓郵報、USA TODAY、舊金山紀日報、金融時報。
Bill Gates
Co-Chair and Trustee, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
“I read The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal. The Economist is sort of my regular weekly fair.” -Bill Gates
蓋茲基金會董事長兼理事長Bill Gates每天會讀紐約時報、華爾街日報、經濟學人,他還會彙整當天的重點新聞。
Nate Silver
Editor-in-chief, FiveThirtyEight
“I have three homes: Twitter, memeorandum, and RealClearPolitics…On Twitter, I follow a good mix of folks so there is not too much noise. Memeorandum uses algorithms to determine which political stories are high in online chatter at the moment. I’ll refresh RealClearPolitics to see if there are any new polls to note…I also follow some blogs I find interesting, like The Atlantic, Marginal REVOLUTION, Andrew Sullivan, New Republic’s Nate Cohn, RealClearPolitics’s Sean Trende, Jonathan Bernstein, Monkey Cage, The Guardian’s Harry Enten.” -The Wire
Dave Girouard
CEO, Upstart
“Dave Girouard reads The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal on his Nexus 7, and mixes in some Winston Churchill.” -Business Insider
Jeffrey Immelt
CEO, General Electric Company
“I typically read The Wall Street Journal, from the center section out. I'll read down the middle and pick what I want to read. Then I'll go to Financial Times and scan the FT Index and the second section. I'll read The New York Times business page and throw the rest away. I look at USA TODAY, the sports section first, business page second, and life third. I'll turn to page six of New York Post and then a little bit on business…I'll read everything from Fast Company and Businessweek to Aviation Week, Chemical Week, and Modern Healthcare.” -Fast Company
David Heinemeier Hansson
Creator, Ruby on Rails
“The Danish programmer and creator of the programming language Ruby on Rails consumes a tech-filled fare each morning.” -Business Insider
網頁應用程式開發框架Ruby on Rails創辦人DHH(簡稱),每天早上必吸收科技發展的相關知識,汲取來源:reddit、Hacker News、Engadget、Boing Boing、經濟學人、推特。
Barack Obama
President of the United States
“I'll thumb through all the major papers in the morning. I'll read The Times and The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, just to catch up…I read all of The New York Times columnists. Krugman's obviously one of the smartest economic reporters out there…There are a handful of blogs, Andrew Sullivan's on The Daily Beast being an example, that combine thoughtful analysis with a sampling of lots of essays that are out there. The New Yorker and The Atlantic still do terrific work.” -Barack Obama
美國總統Obama一早就會瀏覽許多美國報紙,另外他還會讀紐約時報專欄作家和The Daily Beast部落客的文章。
Shepard Smith
Anchor, Fox News
“I start with either The New York Times or New York Post websites, then I check out The Daily Beast, SportsGrid, maybe head over to BuzzFeed.” -Adweek
福克斯新聞台主播Smith雖然在電視台上班,最主要還是依賴紐約郵報、紐約時報、The Daily Beast的網站。
Charlie Munger
Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway
“I think the best publication I’ve read is The Economist.” -Charlie Munger
美商波克夏· 哈薩威的副董事長、巴菲特的左右手Munger獨鍾於經濟學人。