
Disney movies might have their fair share of tragic deaths and heinous injustices, but the origins of these quintessential childhood tales makeWrong Turn look family friendly.

We might have all baulked in horror when Bambi's mother was ruthlessly blasted into oblivion, but if Disney was true to their source material we would probably have all spent a lot of time in the therapists chair.

So, get ready to see your childhood favourites in a new and horrifying light as we explore the the grisly origin tales of some of Disney's most iconic movies.




Good news: In the original version of Cinderella there were still adorable enchanted birds. Bad news: Everything else.

In the Grimm version of Cinderella, our humble heroine is hell bent on bitter revenge and will stop at nothing to smack her ugly sisters back down into the dirt where they belong.

We might fondly remember the humorous high jinx of the Ugly Sisters trying to wedge Cinderella's glass slipper onto their lumpen feet from Disney's depiction, but Grimms version sounds more like something that would happen in Hostel.

When the Ugly Sisters realize the slipper won't fit, they start wildly hacking their toes and heels off to try and trim themselves to a more dainty size.

After the prince identifies Cinderella as the true owner, and the girl that he loves, they decide to celebrate their new found relationship with a bit of vengeful torture.

Cinderella's enchanted birds set about pecking out the Ugly Sister eyes as punishment for their cruelty and deceit.

And then, everyone lived happily ever after. Except the Ugly Sisters, who were blind and uglier.




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